
NIV New International Version
Reading Level: 7.80
Readability: A highly accurate and smooth-reading
version in modern English
Reference Support Material: High
Number of Translators: 115
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word-for-word and
Notes: The best-selling translation, widely
accepted by evangelical Christians. Purpose in translation was to "produce
an accurate translation, suitable for public and private reading, teaching,
preaching, memorizing, and liturgical use." Published in 1978. Most
read, most trusted.
We, however,
will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the
field God has assigned to us, a field that reaches even to you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
NIrV New
International Reader's Version
Reading Level: 2.90
Readability: Very easy to read and understand; uses
simple, short words and sentences
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 11
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word translation and
meaning, with an emphasis on meaning where necessary for simplification
Notes: A thorough, scholarly simplification of the NIV, the NIrV was specifically designed to help young children and
new readers understand the Bible for themselves and create an easy
stepping-stone from a children's Bible to an adult Bible. Published in 1994.
Updated in 1998.
But I won't
brag more than I should. Instead, I will brag only about what I have done in
the area God has given me. It is an area that reaches all the way to you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NIrV)
KJV King James Version
Reading Level: 12.00
Readability: Difficult to read due to 17th-century
English vocabulary and word order
Reference Support Material: High
Number of Translators: 54
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word
Notes: Traditionally loved and accepted by all Christians.
Purpose in translation was "to deliver God's book unto God's people in a
tongue which they can understand." Published in 1611.
But we will not
boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule
which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you.
Corinthians 10:13 (KJV)
NKJV New King James Version
Reading Level: 9.0
Readability: Easier word usage, but somewhat choppy
because it maintains 17th century sentence structure
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 119
Translation Philosophy/Format: Authors used the original KJV as a
benchmark, while working to produce an accurate and modern word-for-word
Notes: A modern language update of the original
KJV. Purpose was to update and modernize the original KJV but preserve the
KJV as much as possible. Published in 1982.
We, however,
will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God
appointed us--a sphere which especially includes you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NKJV)
NLT New Living Translation
Reading Level: 6.3
Readability: A readable translation; uses vocabulary
and language structures commonly used by the average person
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 90
Translation Philosophy/Format: Translators were involved in bringing
the classic Living Bible from its status as a paraphrase to a
thought-for-thought translation of Scripture.
Notes: The New Living Translation is a dynamic
equivalence translation based on the work of 90 Bible scholars and a smaller
team of English stylists. These scholars and stylists went back to the
original languages and sought to produce the closest natural equivalent of
the message in natural, contemporary English. Published in 1996.
But we will not
boast of authority we do not have. Our goal is to stay within the boundaries
of God's plan for us, and this plan includes our working there with you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NLT)
NASB New American Standard
Reading Level: 11.00
Readability: Formal style, but more readable than the
King James Version.
Reference Support Material: Medium
Number of Translators: 54
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word
Notes: A highly respected formal translation of
the Bible. Purpose of the work was to update the American Standard Version
into more current English. Published in 1971. Updated in 1995 to make this
very literal translation more readable.
But we will not
boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God
apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NASB)
NRSV New Revised Standard
Reading Level: 10.40
Readability: Contemporary, dignified with generic
language in reference to humans
Reference Support Material: Medium
Number of Translators: 30
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word-for-word and
Notes: A widely accepted translation in the
tradition of the King James Version. Purpose was to "make a good one
better." Published in 1990. A Bible for all Christians.
We, however,
will not boast beyond limits, but will keep within the field that God has assigned
to us, to reach out even as far as you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NRSV)
AMP Amplified
Reading Level: NA
Readability: Expanded and "amplified" by
means of a system of brackets and parentheses, which sometimes make for
fragmented reading
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 12
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word plus additional
amplification of word meanings.
Notes: A popular translation used to understand
the hidden meaning of Greek and Hebrew words. Published in 1964 (updated in
1987). Break through the language barrier.
We, on the
other hand, will not boast beyond our legitimate province and proper limit,
but will keep within the limits [of our commission which] God has allotted us
as our measuring line and which reaches and includes even you.
Corinthians 10:13 (AMP)
NAB New American Bible
Reading Level: 6.60
Readability: A clear and straightforward translation
that reads smoothly. Written in basic American English.
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 55
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word
Notes: Published under the direction of Pope
Pius XII, this Catholic version of the Bible represents more than 25 years of
effort by the Catholic Biblical Association of America. All editions include
the Deuterocanonical/ Apocryphal books. Published
in 1970.
But we will not
boast beyond measure but will keep to the limits God has
apportioned us, namely, to reach even you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NAB)
HCSB Holman Christian
Standard Bible
Reading Level: N/A
Readability: A highly readable, accurate translation
written in modern English
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 90
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word-for-word and
Notes: A new translation that attempts to
combine both formal and dynamic equivalence. New Testament published in 2000.
We, however,
will not boast beyond measure, but according to the measure of the area of
ministry that God has assigned to us, which reaches even you.
Corinthians 10:13 (HCSB)
The Message
Reading Level: 4.8
Readability: An easy-to-read, modern-language
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: Eugene H. Peterson
Translation Philosophy/Format: Thought-for-thought. Converts the
original languages into the tone and the rhythms of modern-day speech while
retaining the idioms and meaning of the original languages.
Notes: This paraphrase was translated using the
rhythms and tone of contemporary English to communicate to the modern reader.
New Testament published in 1993, Old Testament in 2002.
We're not,
understand, putting ourselves in a league with those who boast that they're
our superiors. We wouldn't dare do that. But in all this comparing and
grading and competing, the quite miss the point. We aren't making outrageous
claims here. We're sticking to the limits of what God has set for us. But
there can be no question that those limits reach to and include you.
Corinthians 10:13 (The Message)
CEV Contemporary English
Reading Level: 5.40
Readability: Clear, simple English that a child can
understand, but with a mature style that adults can appreciate
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 100+
Translation Philosophy/Format: Thought-for-thought
Notes: Written at an elementary-school reading level, the CEV
is readable and understandable for the modern reader. Published in 1995.
We don't brag
about something we don't have a right to brag about. We will only brag about
the work that God has sent us to do, and you are part of that work.
Corinthians 10:13 (CEV)
GNT Good News Translation
(Formerly Today's English
Version and Good News Bible)
Reading Level: 6.0
Readability: Very simple, readable version without
jargon. Uses a limited vocabulary.
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 7
Translation Philosophy/Format: Thought-for-thought
Notes: "A translation intended for people
everywhere for whom English is either their mother tongue or an acquired
language." Published in 1976. The Good Book that reads like a good book.
As for us,
however, our boasting will not go beyond certain limits; it will stay within
the limits of the work which God has set for us, and this includes our work
among you.
Corinthians 10:13 (GNT)
ESV English Standard Version
Reading Level: 8.0
Readability: Literal style, but more readable than
the King James Version
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 100+
Translation Philosophy/Format: Word-for-word
Notes: A literal update of the Revised Standard
Version, seeks to produce word-for-word correspondence. Published in 2001.
But we will not
boast beyond limits, but will boast only with regard to the area of influence
God assigned to us, to reach even you.
Corinthians 10:13 (ESV)
NJB New Jerusalem Bible
Reading Level: 7.4
Readability: A highly readable, accurate translation
written in modern English
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 36
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word translation and
Notes: An updated version of the 1966 Jerusalem
Bible. The New Jerusalem Bible is the official English language test used in
Catholic liturgy outside the United
By contrast we
do not intend to boast beyond measure, but will measure ourselves by the
standard which God laid down for us, namely that of having come all the way
to you.
Corinthians 10:13 (NJB)
TNIV Today's New International
Reading Level: N/A
Readability: A highly readable, accurate translation
written in modern English
Reference Support Material: Low
Number of Translators: 115
Translation Philosophy/Format: Balance between word-for-word and
Notes: Based on the NIV, the most read and most
trusted translation. Combines uncompromising accuracy with the clarity of
contemporary language. New Testament published in 2001; Old Testament
published in 2005. The classic translation in today's language.
We, however,
will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the
sphere of service God himself has assigned to us, a sphere that also includes
Corinthians 10:13 (TNIV)